You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.2. Reports - Report Generator > Editing a Report

Loading an Existing Report

You can load either:

You can also create a new report by loading an existing report and saving it as a new one.

To load and edit a report:


Micronet displays Report Generator screen.

  1. Select FILE | LOAD.

Micronet displays the Enter Report to Edit screen.


Technical Tip

Note that this screen shows the date that edited reports were last run.

  1. Either double-click on one of the standard reports at the top of the screen or one of the edited reports at the bottom of the screen, or select a report and press Enter.

Standard reports are those which have been created and supplied by Micronet. You can load these reports. However, you can only save them as edited reports.

Edited reports are customised reports which have been created by the user or by editing the standard reports. You can edit and save these reports.

Micronet displays the report on the Report Generator screen showing the report details.

  1. Edit the layout of the report if required.

Refer to "Defining the Report Layout"

  1. Edit the report relations if required.

Refer to "Options - Relations".

  1. Add, edit or delete fields on the report if required.

Refer to "Edit - Add Field" , "Edit - Edit Field" and "Edit - Delete Field".

  1. Re-sort or re-order the report if required.

Refer to "Options - Index" and "Options - Sort".

  1. Edit the data for the report if required.

Refer to "Options - Detail Selection".

  1. Add, edit or delete any user defined questions if required.

Refer to "Report Header Questions".

  1. Edit miscellaneous options if required.

Refer to "Options - Control Breaks", "Options - Blank Lines", "Options - Options" and "Options - Fonts and Margins".

  1. Compile the report.

Refer to "Report Generator - Compile".

  1. If you have made changes to a Micronet standard report, select FILE | SAVE AS to save the report under a new name as an edited report.

Micronet displays the Save As screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Report Name

Enter a name for your new report.


Report Type

Select the report type. Options include:

  • User
  • Master.
  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet saves the report and displays it in the Report Generator screen.

  1. If you have made changes to an edited report, select FILE | SAVE to save your changes.